Powerful Tools that Connect Communities

Search and map organizations & programs, identify areas of need, and create custom pages of resources for your community.

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Map Search

Show nonprofit organization & their programs, schools, and whatever community resources that you want to add on color-coded maps. Search resources by category like arts, education, health care, social services, and lots more. Get a bird's eye view of your community's resources!

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Platform preview

Search List View

Switch with one click between Map and List View of organizations and programs, sort them, export them, or drill down to learn more.

Advanced Search

Search geographically by specific zipcodes, counties, and cities. Filter by organization categories like arts, health care, & homeless services. Search by lists, combine keywords, show any combination of organizations and programs. Search by Custom Fields that are specific to your platform.

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Platform preview

Map Key Indicators

Admistrators can select Key Census Indicators filterable by concept and year to be added to the map. Users can layer these Key Indicators on the map, enabling complex analysis.

Manage Lists and Export CSV

Create lists to manage your organizations and programs. Export searches as CSV files for direct import into Excel, Numbers, or Google Sheets.

Platform preview

Create, Edit & Moderate

Both Administrators and regular users can edit Organizations and Programs. Administrators have moderation capabilities.

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Platform preview

Custom Fields

Create custom fields for Organizations and Programs in your platform.

Create Specialized Content

You can add any number of Custom Pages by using our simple Widget editor. Each section of the page can be edited within the page itself!

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Platform preview

Neighborhood Pages

Create custom pages for your neighborhood, town, county, school, or other geographic area. Maps can be embedded into pages, with map parameters and filters specified by you.

Special Interest Pages

Custom Pages and maps tailored to specific Communities, Special Interests, and Sub-sectors.

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Platform preview

Volunteer Opportunities

Does an organization in your platform need volunteers? List volunteer opportunities with contact information, target population, location, and times needed.

Goods & Services

Offer, find or exchange goods and services for local nonprofit organizations. Filter selections on the left and find what you're looking for!

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Platform preview

Financial Needs

Analyze the finances of local nonprofit organizations. Create Financial Needs specifying the organization, contact information, amount needed, and other metadata.

Faster growth starts with the Community Platform

Join us in mapping the future